Somerset Community Project 2024

Programme Tracker

27th January 2024

LIFEbeat consulted 30 young people from Somerset about what it means to be a member of a community. In youth-led groups, we discussed how it can be possible to generate a sense of belonging and inclusion in local communities in Somerset.

We were joined by Sara-Louise Harper, live illustrator, who captured some of the ideas generated on the day.

1st-3rd March 2024

We held a weekend residential at Kilve Court SSE Outdoors Centre in Somerset for 23 young people (aged 13-19) from across Somerset. The young people were able to take part in a range of exciting outdoor activities delivered by the experienced Kilve Court team including abseiling, high ropes, archery, maze madness, and a low rope obstacle course.

Alongside this LIFEbeat staff delivered participatory workshops where young people were able to reflect on their lives, relationships and aspirations through team building games, helping to develop trust, collaboration and understanding across lines of difference. 

The weekend was wrapped up with youth-led groups beginning to form an idea of the community projects they would like to deliver in Frome, Street, Bridgwater and Yeovil.

April/May 2024

LIFEbeat youth leaders have met with the Core Team and some external organisations to plan the upcoming community events. They’re shaping up to be full of creativity, connection and fun! Make sure you put the following dates in your diaries:

  • Saturday 6th July – Super Saturday in Yeovil
  • Sunday 21st July – Frome Children’s Festival

LIFEbeat would like to thank the Somerset Community Foundation and SSE Outdoors for generously supporting this programme.