Who can make a referral?
We welcome referrals from parents, relatives, carers, youth organisations, and schools.
Why refer a young person?
LIFEbeat summer camp is a unique life-changing opportunity for all young people, whatever their background or education. Participants form life-long friendships – while also improving social skills, developing self-esteem and emotional intelligence and gaining a new depth of resilience. These inner resources support young people with their academic studies, their relationships and their transitions into university and the workplace. As such it is an enhancing, positive complement to school and other youth programmes and educational pathways.

A profound journey of reflection and self-development
The LIFEbeat residential is an excellent developmental pathway, which complements the values and activities of schools and other programmes. Our personal development work includes profound personal and inter-personal exploration, which creates sustainable healing and emotional maturity. Youth workers and teachers can join the staff teams and discover a deeper understanding of the young people in their care by hearing their personal stories and witnessing their growth. The shared experience between them can then be brought back into schools and programmes to maximise learning and development. Alternatively young people are unaccompanied and return with new levels of confidence.
An opportunity for reviewing goals and choices
A LIFEbeat residential is an intensive, safe learning community away from the every day challenges of peer pressure, home life and academic stresses. Within a nurturing, creative culture, young people can re-evaluate their goals and choices and emerge with renewed hope, focus and aspiration.
An opportunity to expand aspirations and horizons
LIFEbeat summer camps are diverse, inclusive temporary communities, where people from all backgrounds develop a more tolerant and trusting understanding across divisions and difference. This results in young people being less judgemental, expanding their vision and horizons and able to navigate an expanded sense of positive agency in their worlds.
A sense of accomplishment and mastery
A LIFEbeat camp is challenging, and completion of the programme marks a significant achievement. Developing an inclusive and tolerant attitude towards others and exploring creative thinking and collaborative skills, are viewed as important both at the level of Higher Education and the workplace. Youth participants can use their experience and take-away skills to enhance their university personal statements, CVs and job applications.
Who can I refer?
Who attends our programmes?
The majority of young people attending LIFEbeat residentials are referred to LIFEbeat by organisations or agencies that support vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. In 2023 over 97% of young people received a bursary place (e.g. because they were a recipient of Free School Meals or on Pupil Premium), and approximately 50% were dealing with additional trauma, e.g. at risk of violence, a care leaver or asylum seeker. We worked with our referral partners to identify young people who would most benefit, and when reviewing referrals we considered diversity across racially diverse communities, those living in poverty, gender/sexuality, and urban and rural populations.
Refer as a School or Organisation
Dates and applications for Camps 2025 are coming soon…

Refer as a Relative or Carer
Dates and applications for Camps 2025 are coming soon…
If you would like to talk to the Core Team about any additional needs or ways we can support your young person, please email info@lifebeat.co.uk
Child Protection & Safeguarding
All our staff and volunteers are fully DBS checked and we provide thorough safeguarding training. This ensures that the young people are safe and secure during their time on the programme. We are responsible for their emotional, physical and psychological well-being while they are with us. With this in mind, we ask parents to read the application form thoroughly and sign the appropriate sections. It is important that we have up-to-date contact information for parents and guardians in advance so that we can keep you informed while your child is at camp.